
Excelsior Scottish Rite Bodies

Officers for All Bodies

Treasurer James R. Roberts 33° robertsbrothersinc@aol.com 
Secretary Edward Y. Smith 33° Eysmith33@aol.com 
Asst. Secretary John G. Brenner 33° glorjack@worldnet.att.net 
Hospitaler Frederic S. Park 33° fredpark@compuserve.com 
Tyler and Sentinel William J. Milligan 32°, MSA MBroncoBilly@aol.com 



Lodge of Perfection 14°



Thrice Potent Master, 14° Charles A. Castley 32° cmasonicsupplies@aol.com 
Deputy Master, 14° Dennis W. Lynch 32° dwhang@msn.com 
Senior Warden, 14° Ronald W. Brining 32° rangnar317@cs.com 
Junior Warden, 14° Eugene O. Bathurst 32° ebathurst@aol.com 
Orator, 14° Robert J. Sheridan 33°
Master of  Ceremonies, 14° Richard B. Kell 32° pddgm21nj@comcast.net 
Captain of the Guard, 14° Joseph H. Rival 32°


Council of Princes of Jerusalem 16°


Sovereign Prince, 16° William H. Berman 32° billb102@comcast.net 
High Priest, 16° Richard G. Robins 32° dobies1@comcast.net 
Senior Warden, 16° Raymond L. Garrison 32° rgarr414@hotmail.com 
Junior Warden, 16° Robert Thornborough 32°
Master of  Ceremonies, 16° Emil P. Busko 33° rpd3001@aol.com 
Master of Entrances, 16° Larry S. Plasket 32° gmnj2002@hotmail.com 


Chapter of Rose Croix 18°



Wost Wise Master, 18° David J. Herman 32° sounjer@aol.com 
Senior Warden, 18° David M. Scull 32° dscull6@hotmail.com 
Junior Warden, 18° Mark E. Carl 32° mcarl11253@aol.com 
Orator, 18° Raymond C. Thorne 32°
Master of Ceremonies, 18° David A. Dorworth 32° rabbitatthedoor@mindspring.com 
Captain of the Guard, 18° David B. Stahl 32° pabo67@aol.com 


Consistory, S.P.R.S. 32°



Commander-in-Chief, 32° Theodore I. Serewitch 33° serewitch@juno.com 
1st Lieut. Commander, 32° William E. Sharp 33° wsharp3614@aol.com 
2nd Lieut. Commander, 32° Frank L. Blades 33° bladesfl@aol.com 
Orator, 32° Gene Fricks 33° genefricks@prodigy.net 
Chancellor, 32° Richard H. Williamson 33° rhw_cruzr@yahoo.com 
Master of Ceremonies, 32° Frank A. Tarpy 33°
Engineer and Seneschal, 32° Stephen R. Miller 33° hiramsam@aol.com 
Standard Bearer, 32° Saul M. Tischler 33° migmnj2k@comcast.net 
Captain of the Guard, 32° Paul D. Loveland 33° ploveland@att.net