By Ernest Borgnine, 33
Member, Abingdon Lodge #48, Virginia
(From The Scottish Rite Journal)
In 1946, 1 traveled with a friend down to a little town called
Abingdon, Virginia, to see what the Barter Theater had to offer. It
offered nothing except hard work and board. My friend, not
accepting the work they offered him, stayed one day - I stayed five
years. In that time I grew to love the town and all it offered. The
people, in particular, were simply marvelous.
Occasionally I would be assigned to go down to the printing shop
and get posters made for the upcoming shows at the Barter Theater.
One day, in talking to the owner of the print shop, one Elmo
Vaughan, I found that he belonged to the local Masonic Lodge, No.
48, in Abingdon. My father was also a Mason and had advanced to the
Thirty-second Degree in Scottish Rite Masonry, and I told this to
Elmo. He was pleased, and sensing his pleasure, I asked him if
maybe I could join. He said nothing, continuing his work, and a
short while later, I took my posters and left.
The next time I saw Elmo, I asked him again about joining the
Masonic Order - again he said nothing - and again my work took me
away. We became good friends and finally one day I passed by and
again I asked if I could join the Masons. Instantly, he whipped out
an application and I hurriedly filled it out. I didn't learn 'til
later, that in those days, you had to ask three times.
I was thrilled! Not only was I going to be the first actor ever in
Lodge No. 48, but I could just imagine my father's surprise when I
would spring the old greetings on him! I wanted only to surprise my
Dad - and was I surprised, when after I was made an Entered
Apprentice, I found I had to remember everything that happened to
me at that event and come back and answer questions about it!
I was assigned to a dear old man of about 92 years of age who, I
felt, must have been there when the Lodge first started. He was
really of the old school - and he started me out with the
foot-to-foot, knee-to-knee and mouth-to-ear routine of teaching.
Besides doing my work for the Barter Theater and a little acting to
boot, I was also going to that dear Brother for my work in Masonry.
I would tramp all over those lovely hills and work on my "Whence
came you's" and one day - oh, one fine day - I stood foot-to-foot
with my Brother and answered every question perfectly! I was
ecstatic! I was overjoyed and couldn't wait to get to Lodge to show
my ability as an Entered Apprentice.
After I quieted down, that dear Brother said, "You've done fine,
but aren't you really only half started?" I couldn't believe him! I
knew my work; what else was there? He said "Wouldn't it be better
if you knew all the questions too?"
I couldn't believe my ears! All that hard work and only half done?
He gently sat me down foot-to-foot, knee-to-knee and mouth-to-ear
and taught me all the questions. That didn't come easy, because I
was almost doing the work by rote, but with careful listening and
by really applying myself, I was soon able to deliver all the
questions and answers perfectly! The night that I stood in front of
the Lodge and was asked if I were ready to answer the questions of
an Entered Apprentice, I respectfully asked if I could do both -
questions and answers. I was granted that wish and later found that
I was the second man in my Lodge to have ever done so! I am truly
proud of that, never having demitted, I am still a member in good
standing in Abingdon Lodge No. 48.
I tell this story not for the merit it might gain me, but to tell
you that learning the Entered Apprentice obligation taught me a
great lesson in acting as well: that before I ever attempt to do a
part I should work, rehearse, feel, almost live that part to know
what I am talking about!
As I've advanced in Masonry, I have found we are an elite group of
people who believe in God, country, family and neighbors. We work
hard to help our fellowman; and through our charitable work, such
as support for the Childhood Language Disorders Centers, we have
made it possible to help many children grow Into good American
citizens. We should always be proud of the Order we belong to.
Where in all the world do you find so many great men and Brothers
who have helped the whole wide world? But - we are hiding our light
under a bushel basket!
Recently I attended a dinner for a friend, and I ran across a
Brother who identified himself in a hushed voice. I asked why he
spoke in a whisper when talking about Masonry, and suddenly I
realized he wasn't the only one who had ever done that. I speak out
loud about Masonry to everyone! I'm proud of the fact that I belong
to an organization that made me a better American, Christian,
husband and neighbor; and all it took was a little
self-determination by going foot-to-foot, knee-to-knee, and