
Master Todd Metsker, right, and Matt Kunz, secretary of DeKalb Masonic Lodge #144, presented a certificate from the Grand Lodge of Illinois to John Strub in recognition for his faithful service and membership of seventy-nine years. John joined the Masons when 21 years of age in Chicago; spent many years as electrician and refrigeration technician for the Cook County Hospital. He came to DeKalb in 1974 and now lives with his son Charles. John will observe his 101st birthday in May.

Bethel 66 of DeKalb Jobs Daughters are collecting pop tabs for The Ronald Mcdonald house charity, so if you could save your pop tabs for Bethel 66 it would be greatly appreciated!!

The DeKalb Masonic Lodge recently held a benefit pancake breakfast for injured fireman Bill Reynolds (seated). Standing is Todd Metsker, Master of DeKalb Masonic Lodge, Bill's wife Jerri and Todd's wife Sherri. Bill was injured in the explosion during the fire of St. John's Lutheran Church in Sycamore in February. The lodge raised over $2800 dollars with the support of community members and firemen attending from many surrounding counties. Personal contributions were made in addition to the breakfast.

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