Dated October 11, 2001


525 N. Illinois Street

Indianapolis, IN 46244








The Stated Meetings of this Lodge shall be held on the last Thursday of each month opening at 5:30 o’clock p.m., except if such date is a legal holiday or the day before a legal holiday; then the Stated Meeting will be held on the third Thursday of that month. No Stated Meetings will be held in the months of July and August due to the lack of air conditioning in the building. Stated Meetings shall be held in Freemasons’ Hall, 525 N. Illinois Street, Indianapolis, IN.


Regular business shall be conducted only at those Stated Meetings held on the last Thursday of the month. At all other Stated Meetings, the only business conducted shall be to receive communications, authorize the payment of Lodge bills, receive petitions for the degrees or affiliation, and to ballot on candidates. If the Worshipful Master, or other presiding Officer in his absence, shall determine that none of these items of business need to be conducted, he shall not open Lodge for a Stated Meeting.


Called Meetings for trials, conferral of degrees, or ceremonial observances may be held upon the call of the Worshipful Master, or other presiding Officer, at such times as the interests of the Lodge may require.






Section 1. The Officers of this Lodge shall be a Worshipful Master, a Senior Warden, a Junior Warden, a Treasurer, a Secretary, a Senior Deacon, a Junior Deacon, a Chaplain, a Senior Steward, a Junior Steward, a Tyler, and three Trustees.


Section 2. The annual election of Officers shall be held at the Stated Meeting next preceding the anniversary of St. John the Evangelist (December 27). The first five (5) Officers for a term of one year, and one Trustee for a term of three (3) years, must be elected by ballot, and a majority of all votes cast shall be necessary to elect. Blank ballots shall not be counted. The Worshipful Master-elect shall appoint the remaining Officers. All Officers shall be installed on or before the next Stated Meeting or as soon thereafter as practicable.



Duties of Officers


Section 1. It shall be the duty of the Worshipful Master to see that the by-laws and Regulations of this Lodge, and those of the Grand Lodge, are enforced, and that the several Officers perform their respective duties. He shall appoint all Committees, and see that the Ancient Landmarks of the Order are not removed. The Worshipful Master is responsible for the overall management of the Lodge, and accountable to the members of Century Lodge and to the Grand Lodge of Indiana.


Section 2. It shall be the duty of the Wardens to assist the Worshipful Master in the performance of his duties, and, in his absence, to preside on order of seniority.


The Senior Warden is responsible for actively directing all activities and programs of the Lodge. He is responsible for the agenda of all Lodge Officer (Board) Meetings, reports on actions taken during Officer Meetings to the membership, and provides direction to the Junior Warden and other Officers for leadership development purposes.


The Junior Warden is responsible for managing the staffing, and implementation of all programs and activities of the Lodge. He provides guidance and supervision to all other Officers and Standing Committees. It shall also be his duty as an Officer, not individually, to prefer charges against those members who are delinquent in the payment of annual dues consistent with Indiana Grand Lodge regulations.


Section 3. The Treasurer shall receive all monies from the Secretary, and pay them out when directed by the Lodge and certified to him by the Secretary, and keep a correct account of the receipts and disbursements.


The Treasurer is responsible to the Lodge for both preparing and maintaining all Lodge financial records which includes budgeting, preparation of financial plans and projections, monthly and annual financial reports, and performs all financial transactions approved by the Lodge.


Section 4. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a record of all proceedings of the Lodge, properly written, and make a monthly report to the Grand Lodge, as required. He receives all monies due the Lodge, and immediately pays the same to the Treasurer, taking his receipt therefore. He shall make and present a financial statement at monthly Stated Meetings, in form required by the Grand Lodge. He shall open an account with each member, showing all of his names (in full), and shall keep up the historical as well as the financial record in each case. The annual compensation or honorarium of the Secretary shall be $15.00 per member or a minimum of $500.00 whichever is greater and paid quarterly beginning in January.


Section 5. Both the Treasurer and the Secretary shall, at the annual meeting for election of Officers, report the receipts and expenditures of the Lodge for the preceding year, specifying the different kinds of receipts and the items of expenditure, with the amount of each, which shall be referred to a Committee for Examination and Audit.


Section 6. The Deacons shall perform their described duties and shall welcome and introduce visitors.


In addition, the Senior Deacon is responsible for all membership activities for the Lodge. He is also responsible for the reception and introduction of visitors and distinguished guests. He plans the conferrals of Degrees, Membership Development Programs, and provides direction and supervision to the Chairman of the Publicity and Ritual Committees respectively.


The Junior Deacon is responsible for all program activities of the Lodge except Ritual. He manages the activities and performance of all Standing Committees, and supervises the Masonic Education and Arrangements Chairmen.


Section 7. The Chaplain shall perform his prescribed duties, assist in the funeral ceremony, and give spiritual advice and consolation where it is needed and desired.


In addition, the Chaplain will be responsible for all Masonic Education programming. This includes the responsibility for the planning and provisioning of all Masonic Education for the membership of the Lodge, involvement with the Masonic family members when called upon, plans and coordinates visitations to other Lodges, and provides regular reports of his activities.


Section 8. It shall be the duty of the Stewards to attend to the introduction of candidates and to assist the other Officers in the performance of their Lodge duties, when called upon.


In addition, the Senior Steward is responsible for supervising the scheduling and casting of all Degrees including the establishment of a Mentor Program.


The Junior Steward is responsible for the planning and supervision of all internal and external publicity of the Lodge. He keeps the members informed of special events, directs all publicity of Lodge functions including the preparation of media releases, Indiana Freemason articles, and maintains a calendar of all fraternal and social events scheduled by the Lodge.


Section 9. It shall be the duty of the Tyler to guard the Lodge, keep rooms and furniture clean and in order, and perform other customary services. He  supervises the logistical arrangements or other activities following Stated or Called Meetings, as well as Lodge Family events scheduled at the will and pleasure of the Lodge.


Section 10. The duties of the Trustees shall be to manage any and all real estate of the Lodge. As “fiscal agents of the Lodge” they will have the power to rent and keep the Lodge Room in repair in such manner, and to such extent as in their judgement will be for the best interests of the Lodge. They will be subjects at all times to the instructions, orders, and authority of the Lodge with the assistance and direction of the Freemasons’ Hall Building Trustees.


Section 11. No sale of real estate belonging to this Lodge and no purchase of real estate by this Lodge shall be made by the Trustees without express authorization and approval of the Lodge, after consideration of the matter at least two consecutive monthly Stated Meetings of the Lodge, and after all members shall have been notified by mail of such proposed sale or purchase at least ten days before final action is taken thereon.


Section 12. It shall be the duty of every Officer, Committee, or member having control of Lodge funds, to deposit such funds in the depository designated by the Lodge and in the name of this Lodge.






Section 1. Finance.  Immediately after his installation, the Worshipful Master shall appoint three members of the Lodge as a Standing Committee on Finance, whose duty it shall be to examine the books and accounts of the Secretary and the Treasurer and of all other persons entrusted with the handling of Lodge funds, as well as all bills and claims against the Lodge, and no allowance shall be made until such examination, except by unanimous consent of the Lodge.


Section 2. Masonic Home. Immediately after his installation, the Worshipful Master shall appoint the Masonic Home Ambassador whose duty it shall be to cooperate with the Directors of the Indiana Masonic Home in all affairs pertaining to the Home, in which the Lodge is or may become interested. He shall keep a regular account of his business, and make a written report of the same at the annual meeting of the Lodge.


Section 3. Charity. The Worshipful Master and Wardens shall constitute a Committee on Charity, and shall have authority to draw on the Relief Fund for any sum not exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00) for the relief of any member, his widow or orphans, who may need assistance. They shall report their action in all such cases at the next Stated Meeting of the Lodge and report the balance remaining in the Relief Fund.



Section 4. Family. The Worshipful Master shall appoint one or more Brothers to a Committee to be known as the Committee of the Family, whose duty it shall be:


1.      To maintain a location file on each member’s widow and orphans; and

2.      To maintain contact with each member’s widow and orphans and to inform the Lodge as occasion should require, but no less than once annually, concerning the well-being of a deceased Brother’s family;

3.      To encourage, whenever possible, a Brother’s widow and orphans being included in Lodge activities. For purposes of this Regulation, a widow shall be defined as the non-remarried widow of a deceased Mason, and an orphan shall be defined as a child, under eighteen years of age, of a deceased Mason.


Section 5. Masonic Education.


A.     The Worshipful Master shall appoint five (5) members as a Committee on Masonic Education whose duty it shall be:


1.      To promote interest among members and candidates in the knowledge of Masonic history, literature, and symbolism by the regular presentation of appropriate programs;

2.      To keep the Lodge informed concerning the activities of Freemasonry in general and the Grand Lodge of Indiana and its program in particular; and

3.      To promote the establishment, maintenance and use of such a library of Masonic literature as the Worshipful Master and the Lodge shall direct.

4.      The Chaplain will be a regular member and Chairman of this Committee.


B.     In order that the Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Education may render assistance by direct communication to the Lodge Committee, as soon as the Chairman thereof is appointed, his name and address shall be reported, on forms furnished for this purpose, to the Officers of the Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Education.




Masonic Relief Fund


A Masonic Relief Fund shall be maintained in the Lodge’s general fund to be drawn upon for no other purpose than extending relief to Freemasons or their dependents, and all such relief extended by the Lodge shall be drawn from this Fund.


The Fund shall be deposited in the depository designated by the Lodge subject to checks signed by any two members of the Committee on Charity.


Should the balance in this Fund become less than an average of one dollar ($1.00) per member, it shall be replenished by voting money to it from the Lodge General Treasury or voting an assessment against the members for that purpose. Failure to pay such an assessment shall be the equivalent to non-payment of dues and shall be dealt with in the same manner and carry the same penalty.






Section 1. Lodge Dues. The dues of this Lodge shall be $200.00 per year for each member, to which shall be added the annual per capita assessment as established by the Grand Lodge each year for operation of the Indiana Masonic Home. Dues and the annual per capita assessments are payable in advance on or before the first day of January of each year. Such dues and assessments not paid on or before January 1st in advance shall be deemed in arrears.


Section 2. Dues in Arrears.


A.     On the first day of February, or not later than the date of the first Stated Meeting in February, the Secretary shall give notice by mail to all Brethren who are in arrears for dues and assessments stating that they must, at or before the first meeting in March, pay or satisfactorily explain to the Lodge in writing, all arrearage in dues and assessments.


B.     At the first Stated meeting in March, the Worshipful Master shall appoint a Dues Committee of three (3) or more members, including the Senior Warden, Junior Warden and Secretary, to investigate all arrearage in dues and assessments. Instructions to said Committee are to ascertain the cause of such arrearage wherever possible, and prepare charges to be filed for non-payment of dues against all members whose dues and assessments are not paid or, in worthy cases, to recommend that such indebtedness be remitted.


C.    At the first Stated Meeting in April, the Worshipful Master shall appoint at least one additional member to the Dues Committee for each delinquent member of the Lodge. The Worshipful Master shall appoint Brothers concerned and able to relate to the delinquent members or member of this Committee. Each such Committee shall make a complete and full investigation by personal contacts wherever possible. Communications by personal letter or telephone calls shall be made when personal contacts are prohibitive due to great distance being involved.


D.    At the first Stated Meeting of the Lodge in May, the Worshipful Master shall call for a report from the Dues Committee and shall take up the matter of remission in worthy cases. The Lodge may vote to remit either upon recommendation of the Committee or upon other motion properly made and seconded. The Worshipful Master shall next order that charges for non-payment of dues and assessments shall then be filed by the Committee against all Brethren whose dues and assessments are not paid or remitted.


E.     It may become necessary for the Lodge to send a final notice of dues, or a notice of a hearing, or notice for Masonic trial for non-payment of dues by either registered or certified mail. The delinquent member will be required to reimburse the Lodge for the cost of sending notices by registered or certified mail equal to the costs incurred.


Section 3. Prorating Dues


A. If a petitioner is elected to receive the three degrees, or if an application for affiliation is accepted after January 1 of any year, the annual dues shall be prorated as of the month raised or affiliated.






Section 1. All petitions for the degrees, for affiliation either by demit or transfer, and for restoration, must be signed by the petitioner with all his names written in full, and must contain the recommendation of at least two (2) Master Masons who are members of this Lodge.


Section 2. If an application for the degrees, and for affiliation either by demit or transfer, or for restoration shall have been rejected by balloting, he may petition the Lodge again after a six month time period from date of said rejection.






Section 1. Every petition for initiation must be accompanied with a fee of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) which shall be in full for the three degrees.


In addition to the fee for the degrees as specified in the Lodge by-laws, the Secretary of the Lodge shall collect from each petitioner a contribution of ten dollars ($10.00). This will be sent to the Grand Secretary, and be forwarded by him to the George Washington Masonic National Memorial for its maintenance.


Note: This will be shown on the Lodge Recapitulation at the end of the year. The ten dollars ($10.00) is not to be sent until the Lodge receives its Recapitulation from Grand Lodge.


Section 2. No part of the fee may be refunded to one who is elected and receives the three degrees. If the petition is rejected, the entire fee shall be refunded. Should only one degree be conferred, two-thirds of the fee shall be refunded. Should only two degrees be conferred, one-third of the fee shall be refunded.


Section 3. Plural Membership


A.     Every petition for Plural membership must be accompanied with payment of annual dues ($200.00) plus a five dollar ($5.00) affiliation fee. The $5.00 fee will be transmitted to the office of the Grand Secretary with the Lodge Activity Report on which the Plural member’s election is reported.


B.     Plural members are required to pay the same amount of Lodge annual dues and other per capita assessments established by the
Grand Lodge each year for operation of the Indiana Masonic Home.






Section 1. Any Master Mason Brother wishing to demit from this Lodge shall petition in writing. Upon receipt of the application at a Stated Meeting, the Worshipful Master shall appoint a qualified Brother to investigate the reasons, circumstances, and desirability surrounding the application at the following Stated Meeting.


At the following Stated Meeting, the appointed Brother shall report to the Lodge the results of his investigation, at which time, action on the application will be taken.


If there are no charges pending against him, and he has no unpaid indebtedness to the Lodge, the demit shall be granted by majority vote of the Lodge.


The same applies to Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts, excepting that a unanimous favorable vote is required.


Section 2. Notice of Intention to Transfer membership, as provided in the Grand Lodge Regulations, shall be considered a request for a demit if elected in the other Lodge.





Order of Business


Section 1.  The order of business for Stated Meetings shall be:


A.     Reading and Approval of Minutes.

B.     Presenting and Referring Petitions.

C.    Reports of Standing Committees.

D.    Communications and Bills.

E.     Reports of Investigating Committees and Balloting on Petitions.

F.     Unfinished Business.

G.    At the annual meeting for the election of Officers, reports for the year should be made by the Treasurer, the Secretary, the Charity Committee, and the Masonic Home Ambassador.

H.     Miscellaneous Business.

I.         Conferring Degrees.

J.      Financial Statement.



Section 2. The Worshipful Master shall be the judge of all questions of order that may arise, and there shall be no appeal to the Lodge from his decision.


Section 3. When a motion is made and seconded, it shall, before debate, be stated by the Worshipful Master. Motions shall be made in writing when requested by any Brother. A Brother making a motion may withdraw it, if the motion is not amended.


Section 4. The Worshipful Master shall put all questions distinctly; if a division is called for, he shall request those who vote in the affirmative to rise and count them; then those who vote in the negative shall rise and be counted, and he shall declare the result. In the case of a tie, the motion is lost.


Section 5. While a question is under debate, no motion shall be received which does not pertain to the question under consideration.


Section 6. Every member having a right to vote, who is present when a question is put, shall vote, unless for special reasons given he be excused by unanimous vote of the Lodge.


Section 7. When a motion has been acted upon, it shall be in order for any member of the majority to move the reconsideration thereof; Provided, that no motion for reconsideration shall be in order, unless made at the same meeting at which the question shall have been voted upon.


Section 8. Every member on a committee shall attend a “Call of the Chairman”, who shall be the first person named on said committee, and in case of his neglect to call the committee together, or in his absence or other cause, the committee shall attend the call of the next person named.


Section 9. The reports of committees to investigate petitioners shall be made in open Lodge, but no record shall be made of the nature of the report.











Section 1. A motion to amend or alter any of these by-laws shall be submitted in writing at a Stated Meeting and read. If seconded, it may be debated, but a final vote can not be taken thereon before the next succeeding Stated Meeting.


Section 2. Every member of this Lodge shall be entitled to a copy of these by-laws, and the same shall be binding on him so long as he continues a member of this Lodge.





The foregoing full set of by-laws was presented at a Stated Meeting of Century Lodge U. D. on March 25, 1999, and adopted at the Stated Meeting on April 29, 1999.






                                                                  Ronald D. Simpson, PM







Full Set

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Grand Lodge Committee on By-laws



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Grand Lodge Committee on By-laws



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Grand Lodge Committee on By-laws



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Grand Lodge Committee on By-laws