I'm the guy. I'm the guy who joined our organization.
I'm the guy who paid dues to join.
I'm the guy who stood up in front of all of you and promised to be faithful and loyal.

I'm the guy who came to your meetings and no one paid any attention to.

I tried several times to be friendly with some of the fellows, but they all had their own buddies to sit next to. I sat down several times but no one paid attention to me.

I hoped very much, that somebody would have asked me to take part in something but nobody noticed when I volunteered.

I missed a few meetings after joining because I was sick and couldn't be there.
No one asked me, at the next meeting, where I'd been. I guess it didn't matter. It didn't matter very much to others whether I was there or not.

The next meeting I decided to stay home and watch television.
The following meeting I attended but no one asked, where I was when the last meeting was held.

You might say I'm a good guy, a good family man who holds a responsible job, who loves his community and his country.
You know what else I am ? - I'm the guy who never came back.

It amuses one, when I think back, on how the officers and members were discussing why they were losing members.

It amuses me to think that they spent so much time looking for new members when I was there all the time.

All they needed to do, was to make me feel needed, and wanted and welcome !!!

Brothers, please take a bit of time to reflect on the words above...before you read the words below...

Below are other questions you might consider;

Have I been so busy establishing my own presence at Lodge that I have excluded a Brother who could have been a valuable resource at my Lodge ?

When was the last time I telephoned that crusty old cogger who sits up in the corner of the South West just to say, Hi !

Have I ever considered asking that crusty old cogger or new guy whether he has insights into solving very complex Lodge events because he's had a lot of time to see what's happening or he might well have fresh new perspectives we've never even dreamed about ?

Am I going have the nerve to ask these questions out loud at my next Lodge meeting ?