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September 2002 Newsletter

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Blackberry Lodge No. 359

Volume 1, Issue 7                                                            Page 3


Seeking the Light - Poetry
Author Unknown

Wherever you may chance to be --
Wherever you may roam
Far away In foreign lands,
Or just at home, sweet home;
It always give you pleasure,
It makes your heart strings hum
Just to hear the words of cheer--
"I see you've traveled some"

When you get the brothers greeting,
As he takes you by the hand,
It thrills you with a feeling
That you cannot understand.
You feel that bond of brotherhood
That tie that's sure to come
When you hear him say in a friendly way,
"I see you've traveled some"

And if you are a stranger
In strange lands all alone
If fate has left you stranded--
Dead broke and far from home,
Oh, it's a grand and glorious feeling
It thrills you--makes you dumb,
When he says, with a grip of Fellowship---
"I see you've traveled some"

And when your final summons comes,
To take a last long trip
Adorned with Lambskin Apron White
And gems of fellowship,
The Tyler at the Golden Gate,
With square and rule and plumb
Will size up your pin, and say
"Walk in--I see you've traveled some"

Trivia Challenge

As the Level teaches unity in diversity and equality in difference, so this implement is a symbol of rectitude of conduct, integrity of life, and that uprightness or moral character which makes a good and just man.  What is it?

A) Plumb Rule
B) Plumb
C) Square
D) 24 inch gauge

Your answer:   

Questions are taken from the Masonic Trivia cd.
The answer will appear in next month’s newsletter. You can play along here as well. Just select your answer an
d see if you are right

Answer to last month’s question:
D) All of the Above