Officers for the Year 2006 - 2007

                                                                 Installed on July 15, 2006

                         Background Music = Stardust by Brother Nat "King" Cole
WB Greg Deppe Worshipfull Master
    Bro. Fred Schubert Senior Warden
    Bro. Tom Gipe Junior Warden
    WB Terry McCornock Treasurer
    WB Mike Barr Secretary
    Bro. Jeff Myers Chaplain
    Bro. Dave Zimmerman Senior Deacon
    Bro. M. Todd Hess Junior Deacon
    Bro. Jesse T. Dabson Senior Steward
    Bro. Jamie Holob Junior Steward
    WB Mr. Dillin Marshall
    Bro. Shawn Lucas Tyler
  © David F. Warner

This website does not speak for the Grand Lodge of Illinois or Freemasonry in general

©David Warner, 2000

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