SHORT TALK BULLETIN - Vol.VIII November, 1930 No.11


by: Unknown

 "Freemasonry regards no man for his worldly wealth or honors."  In  
 her lodges all men meet on the level.  That she should provide  
 elaborate and ceremonious honors in many forms for those who love and  
 labor for the Craft is one of the delightful inconsistences of the  
 These orders are of several kinds - ceremonious, as in the  
 receptions; salutary from the brethren to the Worshipful Master and  
 to the Grand Master; titular when the brother honored receives the  
 permanent right to the use of a Masonic title, usually accompanied by  
 certain rights and privileges, and symbolic, when the recipient is  
 presented with a decoration, emblem or other device to be worn upon  
 proper occasions. 
 Highest of the salutary honors are the Grand honors; usually given  
 upon four occasions; the visit to the lodge of a Grand Master, or a  
 Deputy Grand Master acting for him; installations of Grand Masters  
 and Worshipful Masters, the dedication of a Masonic Hall or Temple  
 and the constitution of a new lodge.  Their manner is esoteric and  
 therefore cannot be described here. 
 Any who have read a history of the manners and customs of ancient  
 Rome will at once see a resemblance between the prescribed form of  
 both our private and public Grand Honors, and the carefully  
 restricted and formal methods of laudation and applause practiced in  
 those days. 
 In this modern era, applause by clapping the hands is common to the  
 theater, the concert hall and the lecture room; such applause as is  
 given at a baseball or football game would be considered ill-bred in  
 a theater.  In ancient Rome applause was even more particularly  
 formal.  Three kinds of laudation with the hands were prescribed to  
 express various degrees of enthusiasm.  "Bombi" was given  by  
 striking the cupped hands gently and frequently, a crowd thus  
 produced a humming sound.  "Imbrices" was similar to our usual  
 applause, hands struck smartly palm to palm; while "Testae" was  
 produced by hitting the palm of the left hand with the fingers of the  
 right hand grouped to a point, producing a hollow sound (when done by  
 many) something like that made by hitting a hollow vessel. 
 Freemasonry’s private Grand Honors given at corner-stone layings and  
 funerals - crossing the arms on the breast, raising them over the  
 head and dropping them to the sides - have evidently the same  
 classical origin.  The three motions are repeated three times; there  
 is thus a succession of nine blows, as hands strike shoulders, strike  
 each other overhead and strike thighs.  This feature makes  
 intelligible the phrase occasionally used "giving honors of three  
 times three."  (There are different honors for this in Nevada.) 
 It is unnecessary (and illegal) to dwell upon the familiar salutes to  
 the Master in the lodge room, since every Mason who can enter a lodge  
 must know their origin and allusions.  Suffice it to say here that  
 when offered to a Worshipful Master, they but emphasize the respect  
 and veneration which the Craft pays to the Oriental Chair, looking to  
 its occupant for wisdom, guidance and counsel.  Happy the brother in  
 the East who deserves all the respect shown his office. 
 Conferring honorary membership in a lodge or Grand Lodge is a method  
 of honoring a brother the greater, as its bestowal is rare.  It is  
 more common on the continent than in England or the United States.   
 Some lodges provide in the their By-Laws for a definite number of  
 honorary memberships, which cannot be exceeded without the trouble  
 and inconvenience of an amendment.  Other lodges refuse to consider  
 thus honoring a brother.  In a few instances honorary members pay  
 dues.  The lodge honoring them thus puts them on a parity with its  
 own members in everything but the right to ballot on petitions and in  
 elections, and the right to hold office.  In some lodges honorary  
 membership carries with it the privilege of the floor (under the  
 pleasure of the Master); in others, it is a mere gesture and carries  
 no inherent rights. 
 The gift of life membership by a lodge to one of its own members is  
 an honor, indeed.   By so doing the lodge says to the recipient:   
 "You are so beloved among us; your services to us and to the Craft  
 have been so great that we desire to relieve you from the payment of  
 dues for the rest of your life."  Life Memberships, as honors, are  
 often presented in the form of a "Good Standing Card" made of gold,  
 suitably engraved. 
 Inasmuch as financial experience has demonstrated that disposing of  
 life memberships by purchase is often an unwise policy for lodges   
 which give life memberships but rarely.  When really earned by some  
 outstanding service to a lodge, or to Masonry, life membership is  
 among the most distin-guished honor which can be conferred upon a  
 It is the custom in most lodges to honor the retiring Worshipful  
 Master with a jewel of the office he is then assuming, the honorable  
 and honored station of Past Master.  The jewel of the Past Master in  
 the United States is universally the compasses ("compass" in six  
 jurisdictions!) open sixty degrees upon an arc of the fourth part of  
 a circle, and the legs of the compasses inclosing the sun.  In  
 England the Past Master’s jewel was formerly the square on a  
 quadrant, but is now a square from which is suspended the 47th  
 problem of Euclid. 
 Not all lodges give their Past Masters jewels as they become Past  
 Masters.  Failure to do so usually comes either from a lack of  
 understanding that "Past Master" is something more than a mere empty  
 title, or by finances too modest  to stand the strain. 
 "Past Master" is not only a name given to the brother who has served  
 his lodge in the East, when he makes way for his successor in office,  
 but is also an honorary degree which all newly elected Masters must  
 receive before they can legally be installed.  The Past Master’s  
 degree is given in the Chapter of Capitular Masonry, or in an  
 Emergent Lodge of Past Masters called for that purpose.  This  
 requirement is very old - certainly as old, or older than the Mother  
 Grand Lodge - and is universal in England and the United States.   
 Whether the degree is conferred in a Chapter or an Emergent Lodge of  
 Past Masters, the recipient (who thus becomes a "virtual Past Master"  
 before he is actually installed as Worshipful Master) is taught many  
 esoteric lessons regarding his conduct while in the Oriental Chair. 
 Past Masters are usually members of Grand Lodge, but, according to  
 the most eminent Masonic authorities, not by inherent right but by  
 the local regulations of their own Grand Lodge.  In some Grand Lodges  
 Past Masters have individual votes; in others they have only a  
 fraction of a vote; all the Past Masters from any one lodge being  
 given one whole vote between them. 
 The fact that a Past Master must receive that degree before he became  
 an Installed Master, and that he is a member of Grand Lodge is  
 evidence that the title is not empty.  As it confers privileges, it  
 also requires the performance of duties.  The honor is in the state;  
 the jewel is but the expression of the lodge’s appreciation of that  
 honor.  To most brethren their Past Masters’ jewel is their "Master’s  
 Wages" to be cherished as, perhaps, the greatest honor which can ever  
 be given them. 
 An additional honor usually accorded Past Masters is a special word  
 of welcome extended by the Worshipful Master, who may, and often  
 does, invite them to seats in the East.  This is a courtesy entirely  
 under the Worshipful master’s control.  It is not required that he  
 invite his predecessors to sit with him; neither is he forbidden to  
 invite anyone in the lodge to sit in the East. 
 Another honor the Worshipful Master has wholly in his discretion is  
 offering the gavel to a distinguished visitor.  Usually this is  
 reserved for the Grand Master or the Deputy Grand Master acting in  
 his place, who are received with the lodge standing.  In tendering  
 such a distinguished visitor the Gavel the Worshipful Master says in  
 effect:  "In full knowledge of your wisdom I trust you to preside  
 over my lodge."  The recipient of such an honor usually receives the  
 gavel, seats the lodge, and returns it immediately to the Master. 
 What to do with the brother who has served his lodge in some one  
 capacity for so many years that he can neither successfully carry the  
 burden longer nor decline the honor of re-election or appointment,  
 has troubled many a Master.  Borrowing the title Emeritus from the  
 classic custom of universities may solve the problem. 
 Emeritus comes from the latin word "emerere," meaning "to be greatly  
 deserving."  The Secretary, Treasurer or Tiler who has served for a  
 generation and now wishes to retire, may be appointed or elected  
 "Treasurer Emeritus", "Secretary Emeritus", "Tiler Emeritus," etc.   
 Such an honor says in effect:  "You have served so long and so well  
 that we cannot dispense with your services or your experience, but we  
 wish you to enjoy them without burdening you with the cares of  
 office.  Therefore we give you the title and the honor and relieve  
 you of the labor."  If salaried officers are retired with the title  
 Emeritus, continuing their salary for life makes the honor practical. 
 Receptions in lodges differ in different Jurisdictions, but all such  
 honors express respect and veneration.  Thus a Grand Master may be  
 received by the Marshall, the Deacons and the Stewards.  Escorted to  
 the East, the Worshipful Master receives him, accords him the Grand  
 Honors (Private or Public as is the case) and tenders the gavel.   
 Less distinguished Grand Lodge officers may be received with the  
 Marshall and Deacons only, Marshall and Stewards only, Marshall only,  
 or with the lodge standing, without any escort.  It is wise to adhere  
 strictly to the form of reception prescribed by local regulations and  
 never to offer such honors to any brethren not specified by  
 regulations as entitled to them.  To use them promiscuously is to  
 lessen their dignity and their effectiveness. 
 If election as Worshipful Master is the greatest honor which a lodge  
 may confer upon a brother, election to the "foot of the line" or  
 appointment to any office in the line under the discretion of the  
 Master, is less an honor by but a few degrees, since it is usual,  
 though not invariable, that the brother who begins at the bottom ends  
 at the top.  Whatever his future career may be, at least either lodge  
 or Master has said to the brother who thus takes service in the  
 official family of his lodge:  "We trust you; wee believe in you; we  
 expect that you will demonstrate that we are right when we say we  
 think in time you will be worthy to be Master of this lodge." 
 Selection for membership on either of the four most important  
 committees a Master may appoint; upon charity or upon trials, is a  
 great honor.  For these committees the Master naturally selects only  
 brethren of wisdom, experience, knowledge and an unselfish  
 willingness to serve. 
 Masonry honors her dead.  Masonic funeral services conducted over the  
 remains of a deceased brother show his surviving relatives and  
 friends that we are mindful of his worth.  As such, the ceremonies we  
 conduct at the grave are an honor and should be so considered. 
 Occasionally arises the problem of the active, hard-working brother,  
 who has done much for the lodge, but who has never held an office, or  
 who, if a Past Master, has received his jewel.  Brethren become lodge  
 instructors; serve for years upon the finance committee, are selected  
 Lodge Trustees or whose advise and counsel is so valued that it is  
 frequently sought.  After long service of this kind a lodge may  
 desire to express its affection in some concrete way. 
 The presentation Apron is one very pretty solution of this problem.   
 Presentation Aprons may be obtained from Masonic regalia supply  
 houses with any degree of elaboration and at any cost desired.  They  
 are particularly effective for bestowal upon brethren who have served  
 more than one year as Master.  It detracts from, not adds to, the  
 value of a Past Master’s Jewel to present any brother with two or  
 more of them!  The presentation apron with the Past Master’s Emblem  
 worked in gold embroidery upon it, is a graceful honor which can be  
 worn in the Mother Lodge, or in lodges visited, and is cherished by  
 all who receive it. 
 Every brother is familiar with the solemn words with which an Entered  
 Apprentice receives his lambskin or white leather apron - "More  
 Honorable Than the Star and Garter, or any other order - ."  An  
 honor, indeed, but sometimes less appreciated than it deserves  
 because it is given to so many; given, indeed, to all who are  
 permitted to knock upon the West Gate. 
 This honor differs from a Past Master’s jewel, or other permanent  
 honors which Freemasonry may bestow, in this vital particular; it is  
 given before the performance.  Others come as a recognition of labor  
 done and a Master’s Wages earned.  The apron may become a great and  
 distinguished honor, or it may be "merely a piece of white lambskin."   
 Which it will become is wholly in the power of the recipient to say. 
 When worthily worn, only one grant from Freemasonry may exceed it in  
 value - the honor of being raised to the Sublime Degree of Master  
 Mason.  Here, too, the honor comes before the work.  But if the work  
 is done, if the wages are earned, if the newly made brother does  
 indeed live according to the precepts of the Fraternity, then at long  
 last, even if he has received the jewel of a Past Master - he will  
 agree, and his brethren will unite in saying that there is no honor  
 which Freemasonry can give to any man that is greater than that which  
 lies in the simple words:  "He is a true Master Mason." 
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