Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite
Scottish Rite Club of Laclede County

Article I
Organization and Purpose

Section I - Organization
This club is organized under the auspices of the Valley of Joplin, Orient of Missouri, Southern Jurisdiction, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.

Section II - Name
The name of the organization shall be; The Scottish Rite Club of Laclede County

Section III - Purpose
The Scottish Rite Club of Laclede County is organized to serve the following purposes:
    1. To provide regular meetings for the Scottish Rite Masons.
    2. To assist the Valley of Joplin in accomplishing the goals and objectives of the Valley.
    3. To provide fraternal assistance and support to all Masonic organizations to include the Masonic Youth Groups. 

Article II
Membership and Dues

Section I-Eligibilty
Every Free and Accepted Mason in good standing in a Masonic Lodge and a Scottish Rite Valley shall be eligible for membership in the Scottish Rite Club of Laclede County.

Section II-Dues
The annual dues for this club shall be $5.00 per year and the dues shall be from January 1 to December 31st of each year. The annual dues can be changed by the majority vote of the membership.

Section III-Termination of Membership
Membership shall be terminated if the member does not pay annual dues prior to April 15th of the year in which such dues were payable. Reinstatement is possible with payment of prior and current years dues. 

Article III

Section I
At the time of this organization of the Scottish Rite Club of Laclede County, officers were elected by membership to include President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Future officers will advance up the line as the retiring President will appoint with aid of the First and Second Vice President, the Treasurer at the end of his term. The Calendar year begins January 1st and ends December 31st.

Section II-Appointed officers.
The Chapter President shall appoint the following officers to serve during his term:
Chaplain and Degree Team Director.

Section III-Duties of each officer shall be:
1. President.
The President shall preside over all meetings of the club, provide leadership for club activities, appoint all committees, and shall endeavor to insure that harmony prevails within the organization.

2. First Vice President
The First Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in his absence. He shall be responsible for supervision of the membership committee of the club and for the performance of such other duties as may be assigned by the President.

3. Second Vice President
The Second Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in the event of the absence of both the President and First Vice President. He shall be responsible for the Meeting and Program committee and for the performance of such other duties as may be assigned by the President.

4. Secretary
The secretary shall conduct all club correspondence and keep a written record of all club meetings and business. Notification of meetings to the membership shall be the responsibility of the Secretary.

5. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall receive , safeguard and disburse all club funds upon the approval of the President, making a full report thereof at each club meeting and receive an annual audit.

6. Chaplain
The Chaplain shall be responsible for conducting appropriate opening prayers for each club meeting and for the organization and conduct of the Rose Croix funeral service when performed.

7.Degree Team Director
The Degree Team Director shall be responsible for conducting the degree team in exemplifying degrees assigned to the club.

Section IV-Vacancies
Any vacancies in the advancing line shall be filled by movement up the line. Vacancies of the appointive officers shall be made by the President. 

Article IV

Section I-Regular Meetings
The meetings of the club will be on the first Wednesday of every other month beginning in January, March, May, July, September, and November. Each member shall be notified of time and place and the program to be presented.

Section II-Special Meetings
The President is empowered to call special meetings to coincide with Valley Reunions, special holidays when deemed necessary and when authorized by the Executive Committee.

Section III-Quorum
All meetings for the transaction of business shall require (7) seven members of which (2) two must be "in line" officers. 

Article V

Section I-Standing Committees
The standing committees shall be:
1. Executive Committee, consisting of all past Presidents of the club.
2. Membership Committee, consisting of the First Vice President and three other members.
3. Meetings and Program Committee, consisting of Second Vice President and three other members.
4. Degree Committee, consisting of Degree Team Director and three other members.
5. Service Committee, consisting of the Chaplain and three other members.

Section II - Duties
The duties of each standing committee shall be:
1. The Executive Committee shall act as a board of trustees to supervise and manage the affairs of the club, and to perform such other functions as may be outlined by these by-laws.
2. The Membership Committee shall be concerned with the growth and expansion of this club and Scottish Rite Masonry in general. In the performance of this mission, the membership shall collaborate with the local membership appointed by the Valley of Joplin.
3. The meeting and Programs committee shall be responsible for determining the location of each meeting and for providing a suitable program.
4. The Degree Team shall be responsible for insuring that each degree assigned is exemplified in the best possible manner.
5. The Service Committee shall be responsible for conveying condolences for the club to those members who are sick or in distress.

Section III-Special
The President is empowered to appoint such other committees as may be deemed necessary for the good of the order.

Section IV-Ex-Officio Membership
The President shall be ex-officio member of each committee. 

Article VI
Section I
These by-laws may be amended by two thirds vote of the members present and voting at any regular meeting, providing , however, that any such amendment shall be read at the next regular meeting and held over until the next regular meeting for action.