Here Are Some Facts about Free Masonary


Freemasonry is a fraternity, not a religion or substitute for religion.  We respect the

Beliefs of all of our individual members.                                                                                                    Religious


Masonic Charities ----  over $525 million a year, with 58% to the general public ----

Freemasons’ Desire to be of service to mankind.


Freemasonry is an open, not secretive society. Our only “secrets” are traditional

passwords, Signs of recognition, and dramatic presentations of moral lessons.


Freemasonry is open to all men of good  character who believe in God.


The Masonic family of organizations is open to all, and includes women’s groups and

Organizations for boys and girls.


Freemasonry does not require improper oaths. The so called “ancient penalties” are

Strictly Symbolic. They refer only to the pain any honest man should feel at the thought

of violating his Word.


Both the famous and the common man have been Freemasons over the past 300 years.

These  include statesmen, such as President George Washington and

Benjamin Franklin; military leaders, such as General Douglas MacArthur and

Major General James Doolittle; entertainers such as John Wayne and

John Phillip Sousa; religious leaders such as Norman Vincent Peale and Peter Marshall.


There are two and one half million American Freemasons and nearly six million
