The Lodge has enjoyed an excellent year under the Mastership of Chris Wolland. All three ceremonies have been carried out to a very high standard, and the Lodge has welcomed two keen new Initiates as well as a Joining Member. In June the social event of the year was a Sunday lunch held at the Albright Hussey restaurant adjacent to the site of the Battle of Shrewsbury (1403). On a rather more peaceful day than that recalled by Harry Hotspur eighty people attended and a fine time was had by all. In November a Jazz evening was again very well attended, and over £300 raised for the 2008 Festival charities. Highlight of the evening was the sight of W.Bro. Ted Walker at the drums and our own Worshipful Master playing the electric bass!

In December Bro. Jeremy Lund was elected Master for the ensuing year, and his Installation will take place on Wednesday January 28th. Guests will include the Provincial Grand Master and a number of visitors from Jeremy's Mother Lodge in the Isle of Man.

In conclusion, the Lodge wishes its members, Ladies, friends and visitors to this site a very happy Christmas and all best wishes for the New Year.