The most important news for Salopian Lodge of Charity number 117 is in front of your eyes - the launch of its own web-site. This is Shropshire’s first Lodge web-site (you can find the Province’s web-site via our home page) and we hope that visitors will return here again and again. Within a week of the launch we had already been contacted by a Brother from South Africa! If you have a message for the Lodge, please e-mail us by clicking here.


December 2002 saw a most unusual but extremely memorable evening following a brief business meeting of the Lodge in Shrewsbury at lunchtime. A dozen Brethren of 117 travelled by coach to Llangollen where they were guests of a local Lodge. The purpose of the visit was to honour our very own Worshipful Brother Bob Nelson,

who was 100 years old recently. He was delighted to see so many old friends. Unfortunately, since that visit, Bob was taken ill and died at the end of January. We are sad to lose him to the Grand Lodge Above, but consoled by the memories of the December visit.


Bob was the third centenarian in 117 in the last ten years, the others being Arthur Groves and Clifford Morris. Maybe if this was more widely known, there would be a considerable queue to join the Lodge!

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January saw our annual Installation meeting, and 91 members and guests met to see Brother Chris Wolland installed as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year. February brought good news with the Initiation of a new Brother into 117. On the same evening a presentation was made of a cheque for £500 to the Children’s Society, received by Mrs Mary Marston. The money will help relieve the troubles of some of the U.K.’s many ‘street children’. Another Initiation was carried out in March - one of three this year. The Worshipful Master also announced a Sunday Lunch for Brethren, families and friends of 117 at the Albright Hussey, Broad Oak near Shrewsbury (pictured above) on Sunday, 1st June. Tickets will be £15 a head. For further details, e-mail by clicking here.


Watch this page for more news of Masonry in Shropshire in general and 117 in particular.